- Condition: New vehicle
- Manufacturer: LEMKEN
- Series: KARAT
- Model: KARAT 9
- Stock #: LEMKARAT9
- Type: Soil tools
- Location: Upton
The KARAT multi-purpose cultivator gives farmers many options to tillat different depths depending on the job they need to do. Its strategicuses include light to heavy stubble cultivation, repairing soil structure,controlling weeds and volunteers, and incorporating manure. Farmerscan also choose the lighter, KRISTALL compact cultivator which alsooffers intensive soil mixing and optimal soil preparation.
The KARAT replaces the chisel or mouldboard plough for many fall andspring field operations, which the KARAT can achieve with a single passto save on fuel and manpower. The KARAT prepares a perfect seedbed,firming and levelling the soil with packing rollers to prevent soil erosion,seal in moisture, and ensure strong root development. Potato growerstell us they have noticed more intense germination, and bigger potatotops resulting in higher yields when they have used the KARAT on theirfields.
The agronomic benefits the KARAT cultivator provides include:
- variable working depths from two to 14 inches.
- greater soil to seed contact for earlier and even crop emergence.
- aggressive action which incorporates and thoroughly mixes organicmatter into soil to speed up decomposition and release nutrientsfor crops to use.
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