
  • Condition: New vehicle
  • Manufacturer: LEMKEN
  • Series: RUBIN
  • Model: RUBIN 12
  • Stock #: LEMRUBIN12
  • Type: Soil tools
  • Location: Upton



The RUBIN 12 compact disc harrow was designed to handle largevolumes of crop residue from the highest yielding corn crops inNorth America. The RUBIN 12's 29-inch, concave discs work deeperto incorporate heavy residue and create a smooth seedbed that'sready to go with a single pass.

The RUBIN 12 can do many of the tough tillage jobs where farmershave traditionally used disc-rippers or disc-chisels, and reduce theamount of passes required in the field. The RUBIN 12's serrateddiscs are angled to cut deep and break up compacted soils,without bringing subsoil or stones to the surface.

The RUBIN 12’s aggressive disc action:
- easily breaks up pastures or unproductive land.
- incorporates organic matter deep to hasten decompositionand nutrient release into the soil.
- intensively mixes soil to ensure excellent soil to organic mattercontact for faster, even decomposition.
- alleviates soil compaction for higher crop yields.

Working at depths from three to eight inches, the RUBIN 12:
- warms cold, spring soils for earlier emergence.
- saves fuel, time and manpower with a one-pass operation.
- offers a choice of heavier packing rollers to repack soil for aseed-ready finish.
- provides better seeding efficiency due to consistent, highquality seedbed preparation.


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